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New RB209 & NMP dates

10th June 2024:  We’ve launched some dates today for RB209 & Nutrient Management Planning (NMP) training in November. Bookable online or feel free to contact us for a booking form.

New Diary Dates

30th May 2024:  We’ve launched some dates today for upcoming landspreading and carbon courses (1,2,3). Bookable online or feel free to contact us for a booking form.

New NMP Training Date

14th November 2023:  We’ve just added one of our NMP courses to the diary for 19th March 2024 which is to be held in the North of England. We’ll confirm...

New RB209 Training Date

14th November 2023:  We’ve just added one of our RB209 courses to the diary for 5th March 2024 which is to be held in the North of England. We’ll confirm...

New Course Dates Coming Soon

26th July 2023:  New course dates coming soon for: Carbon Auditing DDHW, FQA Annual Assessment Preparation 23/24, Using RB209, Nutrient Management Planning and Landspreading courses.

New Course! ‘Carbon Auditing: The Do’s, the Don’ts, the How & the Why’

25th April 2023:  We’re delighted to announce the launch of our brand new course “Carbon Auditing: The Do’s, the Don’ts, the How & the Why.  Available as a public or...

Landspreading for Advisors

31st March 2023:  We have a Landspreading for Advisors course in the diary for May.  Places can be booked by contacting the office for a booking form or online via...

February FQA Date Full

16th January 2023:  We have reached our prearranged limits on numbers for the FQA Annual Assessment Prep course scheduled for the 20th February.  Register with the office to join the...

Issues with FQA Payment Portal

12th January 2023:  We’re aware of an issue with payment processing for the FQA courses so have temporarily suspended this function whilst we investigate.  The suspension automatically creates a message...

Christmas Closure

21st December 2022:  The office will be closed from later this afternoon (Wednesday 21st) and will reopen on Friday 6th January.  If you get in touch in the meantime we...