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Carbon 2

An introduction to the real world of carbon in agriculture – identifying the different types of gasses, where they come from and what effect they have on the environment, as well as understanding the regulations set out by world governance.

Explaining the jargon and myths surrounding carbon and exploring how markets are working on carbon credits.

We discuss the influences on agriculture from government, supplies and businesses. We take the learner on a journey explaining why we need to measure a farm carbon footprint and the nuances of various carbon calculators.

We also help you to understand the government grants and environmental schemes available, showing how they can have a positive effect on your farming efficiency to in turn help the climate.

BASIS CPD points available.

Course Fees

£250 + VAT per person  (face to face training)

How do I book?

You can book by selecting the date and venue of your choice on the Fieldfare Course Diary or alternatively you can contact the office to register (

This training course can also be delivered in-house so we would be happy to quote based on your individual requirements.

This course is part of the wider SRUC suite of training courses but administered through Fieldfare Associates.